I just want to jot a story down about something that happened a while ago at "that" place where I used to work. As I have written before, I left the place one Friday after a whole day of severe mobbing (I didn't know the name of it then - like most ,I'd never heard of it). I vowed to my wife that I would never go back there - at the time she thought I was exaggerating. Little did any of us realise that what I went through was, as academics researching this have stated, "...the stressor to beat all stressors." Actually, in all the accounts I have read from targets of this behaviour, none have described anywhere near the level of harassment I received.
Anyway, because my departure wasn't really planned I left behind at the workplace a few of my personal possessions. Not really anything of any value - a calculator, a nice pen (that my wife bought me for Christmas) and a few other things. I emailed my former boss - a half decent chap that had been duped into believing I was the anti-Christ- He collected my things, put them in an envelope and took them to HR. He replied to my e-mail saying I should get my things soon. Time passed and I never received anything. A little strange as the same company was able to send me a letter to ask for overpaid salary back (which I paid immediately) and they were able to e-mail me at my place of work (which I hadn't told them about). I then phoned a former colleague of mine and told him about it. He then passed this on to my former boss (the one who collected the things and sent them to HR.) He was genuinely shocked that I hadn't received them and rushed around to HR. After visiting HR he was silent about the whole thing. He ignored any e-mails I sent him asking about my things. And, my things never appeared. Strangely, I received an e-mail at my place of work from the Legal Counsel saying he was trying to return my things. I replied to the e-mail immediately with my address but my e-mail got bounced back. It was clear they were messing with me. All this was obviously giving them a great deal of amusement and was no doubt designed to get me riled so I would send a threatening e-mail or something else they could use against me. I just let it go for a while but the more I thought about it the more I thought how wrong this was. These were my things and they were deliberately obstructing me trying to get me back.
They obviously, were never going to return these to me so I decided to ask my mother to pursue the case. My mother is an elderly lady and as a result I know they would not dare to mess with her for fear of it getting out to the press etc. My mother phoned a few times and asked about it. The first time they fobbed her off - no doubt trying to buy a little time while a few knob heads in meetings discussed the best action. I expect they discussed things like returning the stuff but not before they deliberately broke all the items and things like that. Anyway, they did eventually return my things to my mother - being extra-especially nice to her (the usual gang stalking stuff - in public always give the facade that you really like the target thus reinforcing the myth they are spreading about your paranoia.)
There are a few things I wonder about though. My former boss was obviously convinced, along with countless others, that I deserved the mobbing etc. for a supposed wrong I had perpetrated but could not be punished for by the usual means. That said, I wonder if he agreed with the deliberate attempts made by the company not to return my things that were designed to tick me off. He must have realised what they were doing. Consequently, he must realise the lengths they would go to. They would, cheat, lie and be downright nasty just to get at me. Surely he realised that if they did that then they were capable about being not-so-generous with the truth about the original incident for which they were all punishing me. In other words, they could hardly hold themselves up as being the ones occupying the moral high ground.
Wednesday, 20 February 2008
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